mercredi 14 novembre 2007

Message to The People of Iraq By Sheikh Osama bin Laden

Message to The People of IraqBy Sheikh Osama bin Laden
All praise is due to Allah who enjoined the duty of " Jihad " to make His word exalted to the heights , to dignify His Shariah and to suppress those who fight His Call .All praise is due to Allah Who said " Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people"All praise is due to Allah who said " And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones .Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."Blessing and peace upon our Apostle who said " who was killed fighting oppression is a martyr "And said also " Who was killed defending his properties is a martyr ,and who was killed defending his blood is a martyr , and who was killed defending his religion is a martyr , and who was killed defending his family is a martyr" narrated by Imam Ahmed .To proceedTo our patient and steadfast people in the enduring Iraq .To our proud , jihad practicing tribes in promising Iraq .To the blessed protectors and the lions defending the religion and the nation .To our Heroes , the heroes of martyrdom operations every where ,specially in Palestine , Iraq , Afghanistan , the Arab peninsula , Morocco , Pakistan , and in Somalia and Chechnya whose brethren walked the way and killed and wounded many of the enemy , broke his strength , humiliated his pride ,smeared in mud his dignity , disrupted his steps and foiled his plan .I wish to Allah to accept them amongst the martyrs , and have them to intercede for their families and reward them with goodness .To the noble masters , the proud dignified ones , whose faith prevented them from staying behind with with those who stayed behind , So they migrated to do Jihad and set themselves and distinguished themselves from those who opposed .They left the beloved ones to join Muhammad and his companions " may peace and blessing be upon him"To the supporters of Jihad and Mujaheddin everywhere .May peace , mercy and blessing of Allah be upon youTo proceedBush and his allies moved the unjust ground stone of war with those who obeyed them from hypocrites and apostates in Iraq , then brought fear and destruction , and tampered with your public security , sabotaged your homes and killed the best of you , I wish to Allah to accept them amongst the martyrs and quicken the pace of recovery for those who are sick or injured .The folks have migrated (as a result of war) and the families have split and the infidelity increased in showing up and hypocrisy increased in arrogance .So , the foxes have come to act as lions and the wolves are put in leadership , and who ever put the wolf in charge , has committed injustice .And the free ones had nothing left but the severing sword ,if they achieved victory they are pleased and if they got killed they are martyrs .O, People of Iraq , you rolled up your sleeves and engaged in the darkness of this brutal war ,not intimidated by any dreadful weapon .You showed endurance in the war and did bear the strikes of the swords similar to the actions of your free pious grandfathers who preferred death over infidelity, humiliation and disgrace.Therefore ,the falling swords upon your faces is easy , but death comes before slapping and striking ." We display to the swords ,when we engage the enemy , faces that don't accept slappingAnd we never accept humiliation once we have the least of strength , we fight who assaulted us by the sword ."You stood firmly in the war against bush and his bastards , and you were worthy of that steadfastness and you still have more of this privilege .Because you are the sons of war , and how many you have of striking knights , and you are the people of shields , arms , stabbing and spears , inherited that from noble your fathers and noble grandfathers so stab every apostate and infidel .And the whole world was astonished and stunned , pleased and amazed , watching the oppressive America and its legions cracking under your strikes and its Brigades getting crushed by your attacks and their battalions getting destroyed by your storming companies .And the people were stunned the most watching the heroes of the martyrdom operations couldn't care less about their lives to reach the exalted heights , so they are throwing them in all kinds of engagements showing the most boldness in the time of marching ,bursting into the armored carriers with the booby trapped cars , but if the reason is known , you wont wonder any more .The reason behind the people's wonder is that they don't see what the Mujaheddin see in their sleep neither in their awareness.Probably ,the mujahid saw what makes him wish he was a Shaheed (martyr) entering paradise , so his calculation differs from ours and his hour-length differs from ours .He calculates the hour as long days or long nights so he can't bear staying in this world looking forward to the meeting (with paradise) , so he rushes strongly to support the religion , and if the whole infidel army gathered themselves with all their equipments they couldn't prevent him from achieving his desire.For , his determination was above what is in this world from mud and dirt and his soul elevated in level, eager to reach the peaks "of paradise" .Young people who were living the life of luxury , then they abandoned it , and they were living the life of abundance , then they forsake it .They fell in love with Paradise and adored it .Young people in the prime of age ,didn't finish their twenties but their swords were sharp and their spears are solid and their brains are sound .Probably the one of them sensed the fragrance of paradise as it was sensed in "Uhud" .So he couldn't care less about anybody because of Paradise , and because of that he plunged amongst them "the enemy" without shields and didn't return .So he split the head of the polytheist and dispersed his illusions .May Allah give the Mujaheddin the best of rewards and recompense them abundantly.verily , they honored this nation , may Allah honor them , and dignified it may Allah dignify them ." I see between " Euphrates" and " Burqah" strikes ,horses are stamping over skullsAnd spear stabbing through Cartilage , as if their palms used to know the spears before the wrists .Protected by the swords of the sons of Islam from all sides against the aggressorThey are the best attackers in the hardest of fighting ,And what is better is their rushing for noble thingsThey are shy ,but in the battlefield ,they are less shy than the sharp bladesFor , in the quick death they have rest and if they stayed alive , they slash throats "Oh Mujaheddin ,Your continuity in this blessed Jihad has what is beyond it .For , there is what is there is behind the bushes .The whole world is following your great victories and the world knows that its history entered a new page with tremendous changes.And the mapping of the region will be re-drawn by the hands of the Mujaheddin ,Allah willing, and they will erase the artificial borders made by the hands of the Crusaders , to establish the state of rightness and justice ,the great state of Islam from the ocean to the ocean ,Allah willing.Your brothers have been through too many experiences which aren't hidden from you , and we have eye witnessed them .The enemy prevented the establishment of the state of Muslims after defeating the Russians in Afghanistan , then when Taliban movement established their state it was encircled by the enemy ,attacked and over thrown.And when Sudan announced that it will begin to apply Islamic Sharia , the efforts of international infidelity combined with the collaborating countries of the region put pressure on Sudan until it retreated from that .And its not far from you ,the last role and the efforts of "Al-Riyadh" governor to persuade the Sudanese president ,yet again ,to implement the demands of the atheist United Nations to let the Crusade forces enter "Dar fur" , and that is plain occupation , and no one seeks that or agrees on it except an infidel apostate .Therefore, its a must on the people of Islam in Sudan and surrounding ,specially in the Arab Peninsula , to start Jihad against the invading crusaders and to start armed rebellion against who authorized that , and over throw him .I presented these events to remind you with the range of weight and size of the responsibility entrusted to you , and to remind you with the greatness of the conspiracies plotted against you .My Mujaheddin brothers in Iraq :As you are worthy of praise and compliments , also because of your patience and being down to earth , you are worthy of gentle reproach and advice .You did the best in a duty of the great duties , a few can do it , which is defending against the "local aggressor " .But some of you were behind in applying another duty which is one of the great duties also ,that is unifying your rows and make it one row as Allah , the Glorified and most Exalted , loves ,as He said "Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in rows (ranks) as if they were a solid structure"And He said "And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Qur'ân), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favor on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith)"And the Messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him , said : " Adhere to the unity and be warned against disunity , because Satan is with the sole individual and he is farther from the two together , and who seeks the capaciousness of paradise he must adhere to unity . And whose his good deed pleased him and bad deed displeased him ,that is the believer "And Bin Masoud , may Allah be pleased with him ,said "Oh people adhere to obedience (of Allah) and unity because its the rope of Allah that He has enjoined "And he also said " Unity is to be on rightness , even if you were alone ""Spears wouldn't break when gathered togetherbut when separated they will be broken one by one "My brethren , the Emirs " leaders " of the Jihadist groups :The Muslims are waiting for you to unite under one banner to cause the truth to triumph ,and when you apply this obedience "of Allah" , the nation will enjoy the year of unity.And how much they long for that year and I wish it is close on your hands .Therefore make sure ,may Allah have mercy on you , to apply this great absent duty .And the truthful people of faith and knowledge must pay effort to unite the rows of the Mujaheddin , and tire not from walking the route that leads to that .May Allah give them success and steadfastness .Also , there is an issue that I would like to discuss with my brethren :Which is , the errors that occur between the brothers , Allah ,the most Exalted says : "Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has piety most"And the messenger Of Allah said " the most honorable man is that who has piety most"And Umar bin Alkhatab said to his Son Abdullah , may Allah be pleased with them , when he questioned the reason why his father preferred Usama Bin Zeid ,May Allah be pleased with them , over him in giving away gifts , He said (meaning Umar) : " Usama was more beloved to the Messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ,than you and his father was more beloved to the Messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ,than your father "This is our standards , increasing the confidence in people to carry the trust of the Call and Jihad is due to the increase of piety ,not due to kinship or relation or belonging to a group .Returning to our subject ,Error is the nature of human beings and the Messenger of Allah said (All the children of Adam commit mistakes and the best of those who commit mistakes are the ones who repent often)Error can't be not to occur from people , error took place and major sins were committed in the best generations .Even , "Quraish" was concerned about the woman who stole , so they sent Usama bin Zeid to intercede for her ,so the face of the Messenger of Allah changed in color "out of anger" and said : (( Are you making intercession in one of Allah's punishments ? )And he also said ( what ruined those before you is that if the noble amongst them stole they left him , and if the weak amongst them stole they punished him .By Him in Whose Hands my soul is ,if "Fatima " the daughter of Muhammad stole I would cut her hand off , then he ordered to cut off the woman's hand "This great Hadith shows the way of destruction which is by "disabling the punishments enjoined by Allah "And shows the way of success which is through applying them .Therefore the rights are preserved and the Islamic communities are cleansed and secured and that is the way of faithful ones.But those sick hearted people , tracing the defects and mistakes of the Mujaheddin and exaggerating them and they might attribute them ,as a result of the duty of jihad , to violence and terrorism .Allah is sufficient for me against them .The messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ,said : " You who believed by the tongue but faith never entered their hearts , don't backbite the Muslims and don't look for their defects because who looks for their defects , Allah will look for his and whom Allah looks for his defects , will be scandalized in his house "So , the Mujaheddin are from the children of this nation like the pilgrims and the prayers , their situation is like theirs ,they do right and do wrong and who ever is accused of falling in a prohibited matter is to be sent to judicial authority and there is no room for conflict between Muslims who are submitted to the order of Allah the most Exalted and to the order of the messenger of Allah may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him .For , every matter and every dispute is to be refereed to Allah ,the most Exalted ,and to His messenger ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him .Allah ,the most Exalted : { if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger (SAW), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination"Because referring the dispute to Allah and the messenger ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, is a sign of faith and rejecting that is a sign of infidelity , therefore its a must to have the judgment of the shariah of Allah and then the claim will be scrutinized and proofs will be presented .And the messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, said : " If judgment was given to people by mere claiming , certain people would have claimed the blood and money of other men . But burden of the proof is upon the one who claims and the denier has to swear "And he ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, also said : "If two men asked judgment ,don't judge top the first until you hear the other ,then you will know how to judge "ِThe scholars ,Emirs of Mujaheddin and tribes chiefs must put effort between every conflicting groups and judge between them according to the Shariah of Allah.And the two conflicting groups must respond to the callers of reform from the truthful people of knowledge , but be warned against litigating to the corrupt scholars in general and from the land of the two holy places in particular .Those who prohibit the Mujaheddin from fighting the army and policemen of the collaborators like Alawai , Ja'afari , Al-maliki and they know that they are tools of the American occupation , supporting them to kill the people of Islam , and that is plain apostasy from the soldiers.And what is worse is that ,those scholars consider the dictator of Riyadh as a person charged with authority , and they call upon the Muslims to support him while they know that he is the biggest marketer of the American Zionist scheme in the region and one of its callers to invade Iraq, those are the enemies, so beware of them May Allah curse them! How are they deviating from the Right Path .Before concluding :I advise myself and Muslims in general and the brethren in Alqaida in particular everywhere to be cautious of bias to men ,groups and heroes , for , the rightness is what Allah ,the most Exalted said ,and what his Messenger peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, said.And anybody else is to accept his saying or not except the the messenger ,peace blessings of Allah be upon him .His order is on the top of our headsSo be careful that your share of this matter is theoretical understanding only then you act differently in your practical reality.Therefore whoever says something ,compare what he says to The Book Of Allah ,the Most Exalted and the Sunnah of his Messenger , peace and blessing of Allah be upon him , whatever is in accordance to the truth take it and what ever isn't leave it .The messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him said (who ever fought under a banner with no clear direction ,supports for bias and gets angry for bias then his death is a "Jahiliyyah"* death )narrated by Muslim and said (what is with the call of Jahiliyyah , leave it for it stinks) Agreed upon.The brotherhood of faith is the link between Muslims not relating to a tribe or to the homeland or to an organization because the the interest of the group comes before the interest of the individual and the interest of the Islamic state comes before the interest of the group and the interest of the nation comes before the interest of the state .So ,these meanings must be a practical realty in our lives and I say : and its better for the scholars of Muslims and the leaders of Mujaheddin and the chiefs of sincere groups to repeat often to their brothers what Al-sidiq "Abū Bakr " , may Allah be pleased with him , used to repeat (Obey me as long as I obey Allah and his messenger and once I disobeyed Allah and His messenger obey me not)And he said ( O people am a follower (of the Sharia) not an an inventor (of new shariah) if I did good help me and if I strayed straighten me up)Imam malik , May Allah have mercy on his soul , said " nobody becomes an Imam ever except under that condition "And we repeat those words to them to remove the inflation that arose with some of them , that is by revering the orders of the group and the orders of its leaders , then one of them would imagine that its by necessity is the truth , then he deals with them in his practical realty as infallible texts even if he believes in theory that infallibility is for the messenger of Allah only , so he becomes biased to the order of his group and its leaders and doesn't submit to a verse from the Book of Allah or a Hadith from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him , that is the plain misguidanceAllah the most Exalted said " And let those who oppose the Messenger's (Muhammad SAW) commandment beware, lest some trials befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them."Ibn kathir , may Allah have mercy on him ,said " Meaning ,the order of the messenger of Allah , may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him , which is his way,method ,teachings , Sunnah and Shariah , so the words and actions are to be scaled in accordance to his words and actions , and what was in accordance to that was accepted and what wasn't , was refused regardless who said or did itAs it was approved in the "Two Sahihs" ** that the messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing be upon him ,said “Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e., Islam] that is not a part of it, will have it rejected.”Meaning ,those who didn't act in accordance the Shariah of the messenger ,hidden or manifest , has to be cautious from trials befalling them , meaning in their hearts from infidelity ,hypocrisy and innovation , or suffer a painful punishment in this life as killing or imprisonment or so .And what is worse is when his group and leaders commit major sins and order him to do the same like joining the Mushrik legislating Parliaments and electing its members , because the electing and the elected are in Shirk action , "There is no might or power but with Allah"And I advice my brothers with patience and piety , for they are the supply and the weapon of who wishes victory .And I say to my brothers , take precautions ,especially from the hypocrites who infiltrate your rows to stir trials between the jihadist groups , and whose case was that refer him to prosecution and be certain , and prevent punishment with suspicion .And make sure that you preserve your secrets and do your jobs perfectly because from what saddens the Muslims and pleases the Kafirs is the failure of some combat operations against the enemy as a result of short coming in any of the preparation stages of the operation , as making reconnaissance about the target or training , or the safety and efficiency of arms and ammunition , or the quality of the explosives and so on .And when you set a mine let it be right where it doesn't leave a wounded or an informant from the Americans , the messenger of Allah said " When you do a job ,Allah loves that you do it in the best way"And he said " seek help in secrecy to carry on your affairs successfully"Warning , warning against Perfidy for its a sin , shame and disgrace , and the free man doesn't commit Perfidy .The messenger of Allah ,may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him said " for every traitor there is a banner in the day of Resurrection which is elevated in accordance to the betrayal . And no betrayal is like the betrayal of the public Emir"In conclusionI say to our enduring people in Iraq who are guarding the first line of defense of religion and the sanctuaries of the Muslims : the anger has increased and darkness became darker , in people like you nations would have support and get elevated to the peaks , the nation spared you for the darkest of nights , because you are their fearless lions, and you are for it , and the ones who suit it .You enlightened its darkness; with the shining of your swords , and you removed its alienation with your best standing . For , your spirits are lofty as the spirits of Khalid and Ali .Dignified from the first class.O ,our free proud tribes ,my folks and my people ,your ethics reminded us with the first generation , honesty ,generosity , bravery ,commitment to covenant and loyalty to the promise .You fight the oppressor and protect the oppressed even if that was certain death ."When the caller calls for Jihad you faced death with your ammunition .And you did farewell each other as if there is no other meeting, being the people who avoids disgrace.As if dew is born with them not an illegible youngster nor aged ,People , whose studs are described as the ones who spear stab the front of the necks , not " described " as merely youngsters "Your faith hindered you from allowing the medieval crusaders of the Romans to drag their legs over Iraqi land , and you were proud not to leave to the infidels the house yard , and tanks raging between Tigris and Euphrates , so you decided to fight them until death and he who is death was his ardent desire , will be given life .And you have killed and wounded many of them , and fought them exceedingly until they became prisoners of their own bases and the Green Zone , fearing danger .So keep watering the soldiers of infidelity from the bitter cup of death and don't leave a mobile one of them on the land of Iraq .O , our proud free tribesYou bounce upon the enemy and fight to protect the nation and people , so preserve the trust , and who ever spared strength for a day of hardship ,then this is its time ,and the free one will not give up his trust ."O lions of war , hawks lofty in the skythe back of the horses where your cradles and on them you inherited pride "Listen to what Al-asha Qais said about the loyalty of your free fathers in the day of "Qar" , because they rejected disgrace and humiliation , and refused to submit the daughters of " Numan" to " Khosrau" even if that led to the death and eradication of all of them so they showed steadfastness and fought .Then , how about you and Allah has conferred the favor of Islam upon you , and perfected your manners , and before that he conferred the favor upon your Fathers , so they achieved the Conquest of Iraq from the farthest of Euphrates to the nearest , and defeated " Khosrau" and who took him as an ally ."Al Asha" said :" The soldiers of " Khosrau" near " Al-hunoo" faced , in the early morning , youngsters driving death "to them" so they escaped.They encountered a well gathered group with shining swords preceded by death , with no disable man or aged ones .Branch that was grown not by deficient branches , successful ,solid in his decision and proud .They have knights ,where its a compliment to encounter them like spears , not bent or without shields .When they draw their arrows we covered with our Shields and their heads kept falling.Studs never stopped crushing them until they ran away in the mid of the day .And if every one "from the tribe of " "Ma'ad " has joined us in that day , honor wouldn't have missed them . "O ,our beloved and lordly tribes ,and I mention in particular, our folks in " Diali " who are confronting the campaign of infidelity and collaboration , being under the shades of swords , with the risks it has, is a great saving that will benefit you in the day of Judgment .And that is what piety and fear "of Allah" necessitate , and the honor in this life follows that .So work for that day because who endures, succeeds .And over caring will not prevent destiny and facing death is better than running from it , and being stabbed in the neck is better than being stabbed in the back "while running away " ." On our heel our wounds bleed not , but on our feet blood drips "Where are those who prefer religion over the life of themselves and the company of their children ?Where are the people of true monotheism who bring down the banner of infidelity and denouncing ?Where are those who love hardships and fear not strikes ?Where are those who find difficulty , easy ,and bitterness ,sweet ?Because they realized that the Fire of Hell is more intense in heat .Where are those who march forth to fight the Romans as in the battle of "Tabuk"?Where are those who pledged on death as in the battle of "yarmook" ?Where are the soldiers of "Al-sham" ?Where are the supporters from "Yemen" ?Where are the knights of "Al-kinanah" ,and the lions of "Hijaz " and "yamamah" ?Come to support and relief your brothers in the land of the two rivers by coordinating with them through trusted guides ."O , people of Iraq , riders of the noble black " horses" ,carriers of the thin shields , protectors of Islam .O, prominent men of "Kurds" , "Turks" and "Arabs" , the affair of infidelity has been disrupted and the time of them to escape is approaching , so disrupt them more and strike their necks and firmly enable the severing sword . "The holder of the Cross has increased his soldiers ,alleging that he will defeat the soldiers of faith , so stand firm ,may Allah have mercy on you ,and mention Him more often because he watches you .So be sincere in the meeting and let Him see from you what completes the pleasure and angers the enemy so don't let down the Muslims today ,don't let down the Muslims today . May Allah cover up your defects and protect you from fear.O, people strengthen up and pay effort ,for death is inevitableMy soul ,my father's and grandfather's , are for you "O , Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and make us victorious over the disbelieving peopleO Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and support us against them .O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and support us against them .O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and support us against them .Oh Allah protect us By Islam Standing .Oh Allah protect us by Islam sitting .Oh Allah protect us by Islam laying down .And have the enemies and the envious ones gloat us not .O , Allah give us victory over who oppressed us until we witness a vengeance against him .O, Allah this is a day of your days so encourage the hearts of the youth of Islam to do Jihad in your way and lead them there .Oh Allah give their hearts courage , make their foothold firm , sharpen their shooting , and unite their hearts .Oh Allah give victory to your Mujahidin servants , relieve the prisoners and the devastated ones everywhere, in Palestine , Iraq , the land of the two holly places , Afghanistan , Kashmir , Philippine , Somalia , Chechnya , the Islamic west , America ,India ,Pakistan , You are Able to do all things .O ,Allah rectify our faith ,which is the protection of our affairs ,and rectify our life in which we have our livelihood ,and rectify our hereafter to which we return . And make in our living increase in goodness and in our death relieve from evilness ."Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!"May peace and blessing of Allah be upon our Apostle Muhammad and upon his household and all of his companions
Jahiliyyah is an Islamic concept of "ignorance of divine guidance" or "the state of ignorance of the guidance from God"** referring to Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim

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